
[EN] Graphikos Designare is a Creative Seal founded on September 15, 2019. Created as a means of artistic expression and creative catharsis, mainly focused on Graphic Design and its various formal classifications. In addition to having a literary side to express, in parallel, an inherent philosophy behind design and art in general.

[SP] Graphikos Designare es un Sello Creativo fundado el 15 de septiembre del año 2019. Creado como medio de expresión artística y catarsis creativa, principalmente centrado en el Diseño Gráfico y sus distintas clasificaciones formales. Además de contar con una vertiente literaria donde expresar, paralelamente, una filosofía inherente tras el diseño y el arte en general.

C o n t e n t
Sheet 00 - Exposition Project - Graphikos Designare
Sheet 01 - Exposition - Branding - Etymology & Concept - Graphikos
Sheet 02 - Exposition - Branding - Etymology & Concept - Designare
Sheet 03 - Exposition - Interpretation
Sheet 04 - Exposition - Construction.GIF
Sheet 05 - Exposition - Brand Versions
Sheet 06 - Exposition - Color
Sheet 07 - Exposition - Typography - Corporate & Complementary.GIF
Sheet 08 - Exposition - Poster - Graphikos Designare Etymology
Sheet 09 - Exposition - Poster - Graphikos Designare Symbol
Sheet 10 - Exposition - Poster - Graphikos Designare Interpretation
Sheet 11 - Exposition - Graphikos Designare Isologotype VV

Graphikos Designare

Graphikos Designare

Branding of Graphikos Designare, Creative Studio.
